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Story Arcana Quests

Delfina (Summer)

Delfina (Summer) Icon Dazzling Midsummer Splasher Delfina
Rarity 5★
Cost 18
Class Warrior
Weapon Holy
Growth Rate Unknown (??? Base EXP)
  Attack HP
Level 1 2500 1300
Level 60 7400 6900
Level 80 9400 8900
Affiliation Sage's Tower
Job Summer Girl


Skills Cotton Beach Ball (Mana: 1)
"Cotton, let's go!"
[Summon] Summon Cotton to periodically (8s) deal moderate damage (1x) to the furthest enemy for a limited time (120s) and sometimes (?%) gain mana from enemies slain by this. This special can only be activated once per battle.
Sweet Healing Ice (Mana: 1)
"I'll try a cold sweet today!"
Deal light frost damage (5x) to all enemies at the vanguard and knock them back. Also restore a small amount of HP (50% of ATK) to all allies.
Teachable New Generation
"I'll borrow a lot of things to try in the pool!"
This New Generation character can learn a skill from any Old Generation Warrior.


Ability Cotton Water Play
◆ Start battles with one dual warrior/cleric mana.
◆ Add a chance to gain dual warrior/cleric mana from mana slots.
◆ Attack power (20%/30%), critical hit rate (10%/20%), and critical hit power (10%/30%) rise when you have warrior/cleric mana, and rise further when you have both.
Ahaha, Cotton, stop it! It's cold!
Midsummer Archangel
◆ Boost all allies' attack power (15%/30%), defense power (10%/15%), and movement speed (20%/35%) for a limited time (35s) at the start of each wave, with the effect increasing on the user.
◆ Cure all allies of blind/slow and create a barrier around all allies that prevents blind/slow for up to three blows at the start of each wave.
Aaaah! Please don't look at me like that!
Party Ability
◆ Attack power (50%) and defense power (10%) rise when on the battlefield with a warrior ally.
Chain Ability Summer Sweet-Maker - Cost: 4
◆ Restore all allies' HP (5%) at the start of each wave.


Delfina dressed in a bathing suit and enjoying the waters with all her friends. Cotton is also savoring the first time it has ever played in a wide swimming area. Any men who try to approach Delfina like this will have to answer to both Bertha and Carlin.
Voice Marika Hayase
Illustrator Sencha


Voice Lines
Sample "Hey, Cotton, this pool is filled to the brim with water! Let's play in it!"
Affection Level Up "It's so much fun to splash around together! ...Ah! Cold! Hey, stop!"
"You aren't swimming too..? If... if it's okay, I'd like to just stay next to you."
Favorite "Splish splash! Hehehe, feel better?"
"I told you... I can't swim..."
"I can't swim that well, but if everyone's having fun, then I'm happy!"


How to Obtain
Chilled Slime Time Support Festival
